Some people have all sorts of preconceived ideas about relationship courses and then tell us afterwards how much the day exceeded their expectations.
“It meant a great deal that all presenters were not ‘perfect’ or super middle class role models. On the way here my husband’s comment was ‘what’s the betting they will all be syrupy, huggy, false goody goodies?’ He is now humbly apologetic and extremely pleased he was wrong. Thank you! We had an excellent day.”
“A completely cringe-free day!”
The aim of the day is to help you grow closer — to have a stronger, happier, healthier relationship. We have put together five great sessions to equip you for some of the most important aspects of relationships.
- Communicating Together — Developing a deeper understanding of each other.
- Growing Together — Identifying what tends to pull us apart and what helps us to grow closer.
- Resolving Conflict Together — Managing our disagreements in a healthy way.
- Loving Together — Understanding each other’s needs and love languages.
- Moving on Together — Discovering fresh ways to continue growing as a couple.
What the FamilyLife team do on the day
During the day you will enjoy quality communicators who will present practical relationship tools based on Biblical principles, brought alive with personal stories and illustrations. The facilitator couples leading the sessions are ordinary people, just like you. They will introduce themselves as the day goes along and they will guide you through the day. You won’t be ‘preached’ at or told how to live your life and there’s no cringe!
“Excellent material, brilliantly presented by ‘normal’ people who were very honest.”
“It is an amazing opportunity to invest in your relationship in a relaxed, directed way which is hard to achieve on your own.”
“As an engaged couple it really gave us a chance to talk through the situations we already face and that we will face as a married couple.”
What you will do on the day
Firstly we want to assure you of what you WON’T be doing today. There are NO group exercises or role plays! You won’t have to report back to anyone about your relationship, so you can relax and enjoy the day.
You will be given some short individual and couple exercises to complete, as part of the five sessions presented by the facilitator couples. In between each session you will be given some time for a private couple time to talk and apply what is relevant from that session for you and your relationship.
The exercises you’ll be given to talk about in your private couple times are structured to enable you to have positive discussions about each topic rather than going over every argument you may have ever had! You’ll find it is a very safe environment to discuss different aspects of your relationship.
After each session we encourage you to write down an action point – something you want to do at home. It’s easy to leave a seminar with lots of information and good intentions. That’s why we encourage you to take home action points and begin to apply these to your daily lives.
“Really good day. Nothing embarrassing or cringing. Great way to develop understanding of each other.”
“Thought provoking and action orientated.”
“I think we had a strong marriage before we came today, but we have still grown closer, been given ideas to make our marriage stronger and really enjoyed the time out together from the rest of life.”
“An excellent investment of a day.”
Watch some short videos of couples talking about their experience.
A Day Together has been developed by FamilyLife UK.