Love or hate the New Year hype, for many there is a feeling of post Christmas slump. And then there are often pressures on family relationships… Many people also use the New Year to turn over a ‘new leaf’. So, we’ve put together a few great ideas of some great things you can do to work on your marriage.
Organise a regular ‘date night’. No, don’t groan. Having regular quality time (not in front of screens) to talk about things like your hopes and dreams plus anything you might be struggling with is really important for your relationship. I know from personal experience that ‘date nights’ can slip and the only way to make them happen is to PUT THEM IN THE DIARY. It doesn’t need to cost anything; go for a walk or stay in and share a meal, but make time just as a couple and try to do this regularly.
Talk about the important stuff. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, all the things that must get done, that we often don’t get around to talking about the deeper things. The Toucan App (www.toucantogether.com) is a brilliant free resource that can help you talk constructively around lots of topics: your communication, managing conflict in a healthy way, exploring your love life as well as managing money. It’s free, interactive and easy to fit into busy lifestyles”.
“A great app – it really helped to have a framework for discussion with my wife to talk about things that we probably otherwise wouldn’t ever do.” Adam
“I love the honesty of the couples featured in Toucan. They really prompted good conversations.” Paul
Try something new together. Add some zest and do something you haven’t done before, like cooking different foods together, dancing (come all you Strictly fans), reading a book together and discussing it one chapter at a time (try “WITH – reimagining the way you relate to God” by Skye Jethani …and no I’m not on commission. https://g.co/kgs/aHnptZ)
Book a weekend (or even 24 hours) away as a couple as a ‘mini-moon’. This will take some organising as well as a bit of cash but it’s really worth spending quality time together. If you have kids then see if family or trusted friends will take them and offer to look after your friends children in return. Happy children are those with happy parents.
Attend A Day Together seminar for couples and pick up some fantastic relationship tools together. Our next events are in Cambridge (great for a weekend break – just a thought) on 25 January and Birmingham on 21st March INFO & BOOKING. https://adaytogether.org/events/
Someone once said: “good marriages don’t happen by accident.”
So true.
What will you do?
Let us know your ideas – leave comments below…
Christine Daniel