What makes you feel most loved?
Words of Affirmation?
Acts of Service?
Receiving Gifts?
Quality Time?
Physical Touch?
The way we express and receive love is unique to each person. In his book “The Five Love Languages®”, author Gary Chapman showcases this through the five emotional love languages mentioned above: Words, Acts, Gifts, Time, and Touch. Helping couples understand each other’s Love Language is just one of many tools that FamilyLife uses in “A Day Together.” [1.]
We recently held A Day Together for couples in Cambridge. The weather provided the couples a beautiful setting in which to spend quality time focusing on and communicating with each other. (That’s two Love Languages spoken!) In fact roughly 90% of the feedback received from this event indicated, in one way or another, that the highlight of the day was having, “time to talk together with clearly, well defined exercises.”
One person said, “You can share more here than you could in several years at home.”
Here are a few other highlights reported in the feedback:
“Simply the chance to spend time dedicated to talking about each topic.”
“Time for intentional chat.”
“Dedicated time to discuss issues we wouldn’t normally approach.”
As is typical on A Day Together, we saw the “Touch” love language increasingly expressed as couples sat closer to each other as the day went on. Four people indicated a desire to be part of a Together Group to continue growing their relationship.
Want to learn more about your partner’s Love Language? Take a tip from this couple who said, “We recognised the true importance of making time together just for us two,” and make time for A Day Together with your partner.
Find upcoming events here.
Lisa Murfin, May 2016
[1.] The Five Love Languages® are used with permission.