
A time for hope?

Spring is in the air and ‘Hope’ seems to be the word for A Day Together in Cambridge on Saturday 11th March. Beautiful spring flowers and blossom in the pretty village of Histon spread inside and vases of daffodils everywhere greet people as they arrive.     There were some nervous faces as 28 couples walked into […]

Toucan is LIVE!

We are excited to launch Toucan – a fresh and unique online experience for couples, giving tools to build a happier, healthier relationship. Most of us want our relationships to bring love, joy and meaning to our lives. A great relationship doesn’t happen by accident. We invest time and effort in our careers, hobbies, health […]

What do the men think?

If every woman who said to me “I would love to come to A Day Together, that sounds brilliant” turned into a couple attending, our events would be sold out all over the country. For some reason A Day Together seems to appeal more to women than it does to men. We set out to […]

What is your “Love Language”?

What makes you feel most loved? Words of Affirmation? Acts of Service? Receiving Gifts? Quality Time? Physical Touch? The way we express and receive love is unique to each person. In his book “The Five Love Languages®”, author Gary Chapman showcases this through the five emotional love languages mentioned above: Words, Acts, Gifts, Time, and […]

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